Sunday, September 2


I am a detailed person. I like to plan so that I can do the things that I want to do. Yet, I like spontaneity and the smiles that it brings.

To choose between the two is to ask me if I like to wake up early in the morning or to sleep in.

I love both.

Over the years, I have noticed that I sleep less, analyse more, party less and talk more. None of which are interlinked. It just happened to be so.

I like to find solutions rather than dwell on the issue. Although there are times when I would rather leave things be. Let the problem sink or swim around my head until the solution presents itself.

I want to stress less, sleep more, party on and analyse less. I want to be a natural catalyst for positive changes in other people's lives. I want a week off just to sort out my life. To set clear goals of who I want to be and to achieve them.

I want more than ever to be happy with myself.

To know that person within and to love her.

I have travelled a fair bit in the past two weeks and I have realised how quickly I falter to anger and frustration. To self torment and to placing myself two rows down from others.

I want to grow in confidence. Not the kind of confidence that extroverts hold. But the ones that remain in tact even at breaking points in life. Ones that are resilient and are strong enough to build a lasting relationships.

We all need a nudge in the right direction sometimes. Eunice was right. Travelling does help to give perspective even when you do not ask for it.

It is a hard pill to swallow but it is what it is.

Here's to seeing through.

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