Wednesday, March 28

Be good

How do you stand on your own two feet after you have shared your life with another? What makes us who we are when we are shaped by the people that we love and care about?

I struggle to put myself out there sometimes. I think and rethink my actions and words. When I have said too much, I question myself. I question what others think of me. And then I resolve not to mutter a word more lest it be too much.

I suffer from fear of insecurity. I thrive on attention.

More than ever, I feel unsure of myself. I do not know if this feeling... this unexplainable calmness... if it is temporary. Or where it has come from. And what I need to do to keep it going.

Funny is it not? When you have got something good going, you wonder how long it is going to last. And when times are hard, you wonder what you have done wrong to deserve it.

I do not know how to let go. I do not know how one lets go of their lives to live. What happens? Do you really find resolution? How do you start from scratch when you are comfortable where you are?


Why do our hearts love uncontrollably?

It has been a while since I have blogged.

A real blog.

Here's to the number seven.

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