I am writing a blog on Emergen about a young and amazing mother of three who raised funds through feverish baking of cakes and the likes to support the release of her CD which, through the help of her friends, has sold more than $10,000 in five months. All earnings go to Servants Anonymous which is a foundation that has recovery programs to help victims out of slavery and the sex trade.
Her name is Ezereve.
"Ezer" is a hebrew word for life saver or helper. And "Eve" means woman. In other words, women who are life savers.
I personally find her inspirational and she does [without sounding too corny] have the voice of an angel. I cannot wait to write about her. Maybe I will write about her in chapters.
Here's to women who will stand up for justice.
I saw Ezereve live a few weeks ago. She was fantastic.