Friday, June 22

Perky times...

Tonight is one of those nights where I just do not feel like doing anything. I have lost all sense of motivation to look up things to do and places to go [and stay] for my trip.

Sorry to me in two months time. 

But it has been a while since I dug deep into my thoughts and just laid there... in silence. Cozy up to its cushy mellowness. It is like being surprised with a handsome scent of fresh cologne. A mental, physical and emotional snooze, without the actual snooze itself. 

While I do not miss this for missing this could mean to say or be connoted to mean that the present is otherwise. What I mean to say is that it is nice to be here again. To be a guest in my own home so to blogeth [speak]. To relinquish the need to do something. Let the hours pass without so much as a flinch. 

In saying that, I managed to clear a good number of to dos at my 40 hours per week do. It is more fun that way is it not? To believe and think that you do your 40 hours out of choice and not out of necessity. 

Here's to the extra hour [or 40] of love. 


  1. How i miss this.... sitting there and read your post....
