Tuesday, November 20

15 minutes

"I simply remember my favourite things and then I don't feel so bad" - from The Sound of Music

Sometimes we wake up feeling like crap. Frustrated. And we find a weight on our shoulders that we cannot shrug off.

Sometimes these feelings are so alien to us that the frustration builds up even further.

I needed to find something to calm my troubled heart. As to why it was troubled, I could not figure out. So I wondered how the rest of the day was going to pan out if it started on the "wrong foot".

Thankfully, by the time I drove to work, I was able to listen to music in the car and enjoy it.

Maybe we just need time to clear our heads. Even when we have just woken up.

I think of the day ahead. And the parts that I will enjoy. That eases my mind.

And my shoulders.

Here's to a toilet blog.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been here in ages! I love your blog header <3 It put a smile on my face today :) Love Angele's version lol
