Sunday, March 24


I found more than just a couple of white hairs on my head today and I realised that age was catching up with me.

There are so many thoughts going through my head right now.

Maybe I have been a fool for spending all these years worrying about how I looked.

I was in the lift with one of my workmates the other day and I was telling him about my new efforts to work out. He said that I looked pretty fit as it was. And I said something along the lines of my weight not agreeing with that statement.

Then he turned to my other workmate and said "Wait till she is in the 50s. Then she'll know".

Is there something that older people know that we 20-30 year olds do not? Are we worrying about the mundane just a bit too much?

I looked in the mirror after I found the white hairs. Maybe this is the most beautiful I will ever be. My long thick hair which still displays a strong feat of colour. My olive skin colour which soaks up the sun and glamours itself with great elasticity. My thighs. Oh my thighs. The ones that I have grieved about growing up. How amazing do they look.

This moment should have happened years ago. Why is it that only now do I realise how silly it is to groan or moan over a belly or a "big arm"? These are my features and they are beautiful the way they are.


Here's to finally living.

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