Sunday, March 23


What is the true value of being these days?

People view social media differently. About four years ago, I decided to deactivate my facebook account. And it was easier than I thought.

I went back to into it recently so that Gene could tag me in his photos. And to re-connect with old friends.

Have things changed much? Well, I slowly began to use more of it. Then I was viewing it on a daily basis. And soon, it became a thing that I did before everything else in the morning.

Two weeks ago, I decided to fast from social media. This included the likes of instagram and pinterest [gasp!]. In its place, I started messaging my family and friends. I called home more often. Spoke more to my siblings. And re-connected with high school friends whom I now communicate with on a daily basis.

It is not easy being off social media. I was so used to surfing through pinterest in my free time. I could be on it for hours before bed time.

I think that with every addiction, when it comes to stopping it, we need to replace it with a better alternative to keep our hands or at least, our minds busy. Even if it is meditation or some form of mindfulness exercise which is something that I hope to do more off. Ground myself to the present before my mind strays off to a million thoughts at a time.

My new stress outlet.

I made no plans for today. I feel an itch to go shopping. And to go out for a cold beverage. I could bake cookies. Am waiting for the last load of the laundry. Life can be so good.

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