Sunday, March 11

Lifestyle Change

I want to find out why people make such a huge fuss about being thin. So I will be making a lifestyle change in the next couple of weeks. Starting with a healthy green diet and new fitness regime.

I read on MotivateMe that breakfast is essential because it breaks the fast that you have made in the six to eight hours of sleep. The author recommended proteins such as eggs with a piece of wholemeal toast and tomatoes for fibre and vitamins.

While I can easily do that over the weekends, it is harder to do so during the week because I have early starts. So I have decided to have yoghurt instead. And to add LSA to the mix.

I am also switching to fresh juices that are not reconstituted. I tried Nudie apple juice but it tasted a little bit funky. So I will try another brand next week.

I am also experimenting with replacing rice with quinoa. Sarah has been ranting on about how good quinoa is and I know that Eunice adds it in her rice mix with brown rice and quinoa. So now, I have a bag of it sitting next to the rice box.

As for my new fitness regime, I will attempt to only spend 23 and 1/2 hours sitting or sleeping. And decrease that number as time goes on. I plan to do this by mixing up a good range of physical activities like push ups, sit ups, walking, zumba, boxing, [non virtual] socialising and the likes.

I will be learning how to box from my brother who  learned how to thai box in his gap year.

Now my biggest struggle is to cook healthy foods. I do not cook. Or rather, I choose not to cook. It is almost like a handicap to me. Maybe it is my fear of failure. Or a lack of creativity in the kitchen. Either or, if I really want this new healthy regime to work, I need to learn how to cook vegetables and lean meats.

I went for a bootcamp class last Thursday. A workmate of mine who also happens to be a personal trainer holds the classes. What I really enjoy about Amanda's class is the attention that she pays to her trainees. She knows how to cater to a range of fitness levels even though they may be in the same group.

And while she encourages you to keep up the exercises, she is not pushy and comes up with easier alternatives when she sees that you are struggling.

Here's to making a difference.


  1. Eunice11:21 AM

    Gambate ne... We shall encourage each other. I should start the same. Eating healthy and workout.

  2. Gambate ne! Yeah, we so should. Although you are getting a fair bit of workout with Reuby. Just carrying him is enough :P

  3. Hanah3:42 PM

    New layout! Awesomeness! I LOVE IT!
