The last two days have been amazing. I got my OCD antics out of the way early in the morn with the house being cleaned. Then his parents came over with breakfast. We sat at the dining table chatting away at the impromptu meal. The new TV cabinet was set up. 55 inch was out. The [partial] gift of a wireless sound bar made its appearance.
We went grocery shopping. We argued. We simmered. We drank cider. And we cooked a beautiful dish of chicken with [white radish] soup and fragrant rice.
He is a good listener. I read out a list of questions on our way to Fremantle to gauge whether he was a "visual", "auditory" or "kinaesthetic" learner. Just out of curiosity. 30 odd questions. 3 choices per question. And it impressed me how he could make sense of what I was saying just by listening.
I, on the other hand, require visual backup or auditory repeats in order to make sense of a sentence when it is being read out to me.
I get so upset when he is away. It gets to the point where I start missing him even before he has left the house. It upsets him when I get upset so I try to be cheerful. But he knows better. And he tells me how much he will miss me.
I am such a sucker...
[insert cheesy face here]
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