Sunday, October 6

Click click click

A note to self: NO edits this time.

Yesterday I was at peace with my wardrobe. Usually, I would pull pieces out and try to match them together. Hours later I would find myself wearing my usual basic. Plain top, plain jeans, brown shoes. None of which depicts my personality or the way that I am feeling.

And today, I almost wished myself into someone else's shoes. I saw a picture of interest on my friend's instagram. I mean, her post. Which led me to look at more pictures related to the picture in question and I saw all these people who dressed with so much personality. So much style.

Yesterday pieces of my wardrobe came together. I took about 2 hours to get ready but it was worth it. I felt fresh, clean and fashionable in my own sense. I am not one to dress to fit in but I am certainly one that enjoys pulling off new [but selected] items of clothing.

How could I be so happy and content one day and be so envious and demoralising to myself the next?

After pondering about how lucky those people were, I had to stop myself. I did not know them. More importantly, I did not know what they have gone through. Or what they have had to deal with in their lives. It was merely a snapshot in time. A memory that they have chosen to show to the world.

It probably did not depict the argument that was to follow. The struggles that they had to get to where they were. Their personal inflictions.

Perhaps my change of heart had something to do with the email that Eunice sent me earlier in the week. It talked about comparing oneself to others. That it does more damage and harm to constantly seek to be like the others. People will always appear to be one step ahead of you. But does it matter really? Will that define you or should that define who you ought to be?

From here on, I have a choice.

And I choose to be happy for others. That at one point in time, they too were happy. To not use those moments against myself. If I want to, I can be who I want to be.

In time, and without shopping too frivolously, that is.

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