Wednesday, February 22

True happenings

Tuesday: Raoul @ Regal Theatre
Wednesday: Networking night @ Subiaco
Thursday: Games night @ home
Friday: Night out @ the Deen
Saturday: Erykah Badu @ Belvoir Amphitheatre
Saturday evening: Night out @ the Leederville
Sunday: The brow horn orchestra @ Fremantle Arts Centre

If one were to say that there was nothing to do in Perth, I would highly beg to defer. I can hardly find space in my little diary book to have any more plans. And to tell you the truth, that excites me greatly. Never a dull moment I say.

From quiz nights to sunday sessions to [two sessions of] bootcamp, I can barely catch up with time. Add to that the hundreds of messages that go in and out of my phone each week. The phone calls. Catch ups. Drives to and from places.

And this is all made possible thanks to the people I know. And love.

Speaking of, I realised that I had fallen deeply in [insert dot dot dot here] with someone who, I am afraid, thinks of me as a friend. My feelings are beyond me. They are uncontrollable and yet, they control me like a furry cat with a ball of strings.

You cannot believe how unbelievably happy I am. Although there are still times when I feel sad but I am then reminded of Katie from colormekatie and I immediately start finding ways to make others happy. That in itself, makes me happy because I am doing something that I ♥. Again, made possible thanks to Eunice who is my ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Or on any day for that matter.

Cynthia, if you are reading this, you make your sister very happy too. And Lisa Jie, I was talking about you last Saturday and I could only say all good things. Hans, thanks to you I am on instagram. You are my connection to all things creative. Tiffy, we need an online coffee catch up. Dren, I'm so excited for you! Marie, I so need to check out your fish and chips shop. Zoe and Saidah, you gurls are gorgeous. Tom, if you are reading this... hope you are well. Janine, read. email. now. smiles. Cynthia S, herro?

[insert deliriously happy heart here]

Five minutes to bed time.

Have a great rest of the week [you] all.


  1. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Mon... R u on whatsapp? So i can chat with u whenever we hv time.. When will u come to ldn to see me? We havent seen each other for so many years.. Tiffy..

  2. Hey Tiffy! Yeah, I'm on whatsapp. If you've got facetime, that'll be even better. How about next year? :) Mon

  3. Bulu the standing.

    I could hear your voice in my head when I read my name (the one where you go Cynthia next time just leave a message or call them back so they know who you are).

    Hai yer, sekarang I takut baca your blog. My heart still jumping but it might be the coffee I had this morning.
